Obesity in Indian Country

The national obesity epidemic affects American Indians more than any other race or ethnic group. This interactive infographic explores the unique causes and possible solutions.

Data source: Various (see full project)


  • Saola Animate
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Project Description

I created this interactive infographic as a course project for Information Design for Visual Storytelling. The assignment was to cover an aspect of obesity in America and the size of the window was limited to 720 x 410 px. I have a personal connection to several Indian Reservations in the U.S., so I was especially interested in exploring obesity in the American Indian population. I particuarly wanted to communicate how American Indians' traumatic history of genocide, relocation, and exploitation affects the health of entire Indian communities even today.

As I read multiple studies and articles, I began to create an outline and fleshed it out into a wireframe sketch. I used Saola Animate to implement my design.

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